Thursday, September 30, 2010


Ugh, Halloween is becoming worse than Christmas at my house! Decorations, costumes, candy, blah, blah, blah! I can't take it! It's sooooo grossly expensive! And for what I ask you?

Don't get me wrong! I trick or treated until I was almost 18. I LOVE to dress up! Well, and I LOVE chocolate. Ok any candy if we're being honest! But seriously, the one costume I just purchased for my son was $50! That's insane! Multiply that by five and it's out of control. I haven't even bought the 17 bags of candy yet. Yes, you read that right. There are 23 kids on my culdesac alone...five of which are mine. Regardless, my neighborhood is ALL young kids.

Where does the madness end?? or I should say when???

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Picture Day

Someone please tell me why the schools continue to offer picture day?? I have to admit I ALWAYS took a horrible picture. Yet year after year my mother paid for a picture she could display. Display proudly was the question!

I just paid $16 x five for my kids to have their pictures taken. Not only does the cost make me nuts, but all that leads up to the picture being taken! There's the hair cuts, the clothes dilemma, the clean face, teeth brushed argument, and the pleading for a decent smile! The kicker is the wait for the final product to be returned!

I do my best to take as many pictures of my kids as I can. Why I pay for someone else to do it is beyond me.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Grocery Store

Why is there not a service out there that offers to go to the store, buy your groceries, bring them home, and unload them for you??? I would pay top dollar to anyone that offered this service! Some things are just worth every penny to pay for.

I hate the grocery store! God bless my boyfriend for owning one years ago, but I remind him daily that he was completely crazy for doing so! Every time I go, something happens. Whether I drop and break something in an isle or someone makes a rude comment, it's literally ALWAYS something. And the fact that you have to make the list (never stick to it), price compare items, put them in the cart, unload them onto the belt, lug them out to the car, load the car, unload the car, and put them all away makes me sick! How many times do I really have to touch a bottle of ketchup?? I mean honestly! Do my kids really need to eat? Do I really have to feed them?

Guess I'm off to Meijer since I have a cupboard full of food but not a thing to eat in the house! Vicious vicious cycle!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Honestly! Who doesn't love to have a good throw yourself on the floor, all out screaming and crying tantrum?? I know I'd love to have them a few times a day. Let's face it. All it really is is a pity party for yourself. Poor me, life is so terrible. Boo hoo.

WRONG! Get up and get over yourself! When my eight year old threw himself on the floor last night because he couldn't play catch, I about threw myself on the floor next to him screaming "why do you hate me so and why are you so ungrateful??" Seriously! Ugh! It was time for showers, homework and bed. NOT play time. Sorry buddy, but welcome to the realities of life. Kids just never seem to get that a tantrum DOES NOT warrent a reward! Not at my house anyway! In fact I walked away before I lost it too.

Life is not that bad. It's all what you make it out to be. If you think the world and everyone in it owes you then you might as well be a rock. Because people are going to continue to beat you up, throw you around, and step on you forever. Get up off the floor and get to living!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Why Oh Why???

I can't take it anymore! I am not going to survive five kids going through puberty!! And IF I do, that's a really BIG if, God will surely have to let me in the pearly gates with the red carpet out and a band playing the Chariots of Fire theme.

Please tell me why a 9 year old needs to shave her legs?? I told her months ago that it's not a good idea, she's too young, once ya start it never ends, blah, blah, blah. Apparently I had no idea what I was talking about and my 9 year old went ahead and did it anyway. Well, it was hard for me to lose my temper when she sliced the back of her heal and was bleeding all over the bathroom. Only to tell her younger siblings that the razor miraculously fell from the shelf and cut her...Really? UGH!

Note to self, attempt reverse psychology whenever possible with small children. Yes, honey, when you shave you're suppose to take a layer of skin off! Maybe the pain and blood will deter her...doubt it!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Where Has The Time Gone

It's amazing how fast we let "life" get in the way. Or how many excuses we make for not taking the time to do something. Guilty as charged! My ex got deathly ill this past spring leaving me to care for my kids solo until August. Phew! Mommy needed a break! Thank goodness school has started and I have some ME time again.

As moms we forget just how important it is to remember ourselves. I don't think I have much left of my vocal cords, I'm bald, and my bar bill is way beyond what Norm ever owed at Cheers! But hey, I'm human. Life is getting more managable. Now I at least try to catch myself before yelling, the hair is slowly growing back, and my liver is drying out. Life is good!

I run because I can and I run to keep my sanity. Don't ever lose track of what keeps you happy because life threw you a curve ball. Ride it out and keep moving forward.