Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why Do They Have To Be "Big"???

It's really sad how life keeps right on going. It doesn't stop when we are sick, our kids are sick, when there isn't any money to pay the bills, when we are sad, angry or hurt. We want it to, just for the sake of catching our breath! To wallow in self pity or grief. Or to simply enjoy the moment for longer than what we are able. Pictures allow us to do some of that. So does our memory...if that's still in tact! As we all know, I struggle with that one!

I was reminded last week of the movie Big with Tom Hanks. Why is it that kids ALWAYS want to be older and adults long to be younger? I'm pretty happy with my age...22. I wish I could freeze that. Oh that's right, I have...for 20 years! I really can't complain. No one cares when I do anyway, but the fact of the matter is that I'm happy. Really and truly happy. I look and feel better now than I ever have. I have amazing kids that drive me crazy one minute and melt my heart the next. I have warm, loving family and friends that I am forever grateful to. And a man in my life that absolutely rocks my world. It's this happiness that I wish to bestow on my kids.

Enjoy the moment! Enjoy what you have! Stop trying to have everything that everyone else has. Stop trying to grow up so damn fast! My oldest is headed to 5th grade camp in a few weeks. I'm beside myself! What happened to my baby??? I went in search of her immunization records for her camp paperwork and came across all her baby stuff. First hair cut, first tooth, first birthday, birth announcement, first check up sheet...everything BUT what I needed of course. Where did 11 years go? Why does she want to shave already? Why was I buying her a razor and shaving cream so that she could, and will, harm herself??? Why does she already want to drive and promise me to NEVER get in a car with someone who's been drinking?? Why, why, why! Why can't they be three and then thirty and allow me to spare myself all that nail biting, up all night worrying garbage? I'm a mess already.

Remember when we couldn't wait for our kids to say their first words? Now we want them to just stop talking! Remember when we wanted them to feed themselves? Now we want to stop the bleeding on the grocery bill! Remember when we wanted them to take their first steps? Now we can't get them to stop running through the house and smashing into everything! Remember when we wanted them to go potty on the "big" potty? Well thank the Lord above they learned that!!!!! We wanted them to be just a little "big" not an adolescent who worries about their looks, their clothes, their hair, their make up, who's going to be at the concert that likes them, or who they like! And worse yet, if they have any friends.

I just want their dreams to always stay BIG and their worries to stay small. Thank you Rascal Flatts! I want them to be happy with who they are and remain the wonderful, smart, caring, compassionate people I know deep down they are. If there is one thing that I hope and pray I do right as a parent, because there won't be much, is that I teach them that their self confidence is much more important than how many video games they have, how many Barbies they have, or if ALL their friends are doing it, why can't they?! Happiness stems from self confidence and pride in yourself. No one can ever take that away from you. Unless you let them. I hope they are always as proud of themselves as I am of them.

Blah, blah, blah right?! That's what I'm thinking as I log off to go up and beat them for wasting the water taking VERY LONG showers!!!!! Why do they have to go and wreck my motherly bliss??? Ah well, just another day. No bail money required....YET!!!!!!

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