Monday, December 28, 2009

New Years Challenge

Life never ceases to amaze me. It’s forever changing, yet hauntingly remains the same. For the past year I have been trying to explain to my daughter that change is a good thing. We may not always like it, we may get sad, angry or happy about it, but through it all we have to believe and find the positive in ALL of it. The trick with telling her that, is reminding myself daily that I too believe that it’s good. Not always an easy task.

When life throws you off course, which at some point or another it’s going to, I believe you have a choice. You can fight the change, make yourself miserable and chose to remain on the same path or you can open up new doors and take a journey sure to be filled with challenges, road blocks and whatever other obstacles life has to offer. How you handle those obstacles may change your path again. That’s one of the greatest wonders in life; never missing an opportunity to explore all the endless possibilities out there.

Ride that bull, say you’re sorry, help a friend, donate to a charity, love without fear, take a chance, and explore the road less taken. We only get one life, but lots of chances to make it better.

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