Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Swear Words

Ugh, we all slip every now and then and say "bad" words. Only to turn around and tell our children to "NEVER say that" . And then comes the day, or days in my case, when it comes back to haunt you.

I'll admit, I can have a mouth that makes a trucker look like a saint. Mostly when I'm upset or when I'm with my friends. I try very hard not to say them around my kids. Occasionally it does happen, I won't deny it. I'm also a HUGE Kid Rock fan...we all know that he ONLY says those words in his songs, never to his mother or anyone else...Right??? That's what I tell my kids anyway!

Well, my kids heard some words on the bus (urgh the bus!) and naturally came home to ask me about every swear word under the sun. After our LENGTHY conversation I said "If I ever find out you said ANY of these words outside of this car, your mother's fury will rain down like no other." Damned if some idiot driver didn't cut me off and I shout "A@#hole"...Ah well, I tried.


  1. LOL, so I'm not your friend since I've never heard U talk like a sailor.........

  2. It scares people when I get going! ha ha ha
