Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bad Mommy! Bad!

I have this internal debate with myself EVERY TIME one of my kids get sick. Especially since I come from a long line of, "you're fine" family members. I mean, I really hate to trek my kids to the doctor with every little cough or sniffle. But at what point does that little hack turn into a full blown something or other? The bigger question is, what dirty kid gave it to mine in the first place???

As I layed in bed last night listening to my sweet little child practically cough up a lung, I think, "hmmmmm, I'm soooo tired! Why now??". Followed by, "if I don't get up and get her something, she's going to barf. Then I'll have to clean that up." Never once did I think, "hope she's ok". I'm kidding! Ok, maybe I'm not. But I have to ask, why does this always happen at 11pm, 2am, 4am etc.? I just don't understand the logic. During the day she may cough a wee bit, but then she runs around like a maniac too! It's only the middle of the night where they fall apart and think they are beating down deaths door.

Needless to say, I get up and ask her if she'd like something to help her sleep and stop the coughing. I am met with a sweet little distraught face that says, "uh huh". Downstairs I go to my cupboard full of tricks, that mind you, do absolutely NOTHING except make your child run around as if on some maddening crack high. Followed by the inevitable crash and burn. Regardless, I bring it up, pour it, and am stared at with the, "there is NO WAY in hell I'm taking that" face. Sometimes I wish giving children medicine was like giving it to an animal. Pry open mouth and shove it down throat. No such luck. Believe me I've tried! After much pleading I get her to take a sip. Which is promptly followed by it being spit all over the bathroom, followed by it dripping down her clothes, followed by tears, followed by an "I'm gonna barf", followed by me yelling, "take the damn medicine because WE ALL NEED TO SLEEP!!! Including you!!!!"

Tears, drama, more yelling, a few gags, and a little more went down. Not much mind you. In fact I'm pretty sure I cleaned up more off the floor and the counter than actually went in her mouth. UGH! So back to bed she went. At this point I feel slightly bad. The poor kid feels like crap and all I want to do is make her feel better and get some sleep. Which eventually she did. Well, at least I think she did. I fell asleep.

This is how I know my kids are truly sick. If in the morning they can't move. Not even a cattle prod can get them out of bed. And yes, I have one. Nothing wrong with a little shock therapy. Yes she was still coughing and snotting all over, but she was up, ate breakfast, made her bed, got dressed, and brushed her teeth without me having to ask. No sick child there! Being Mother of the Year, I drugged her with an allergy pill and sent her on her way. And in the infinite words of wisdom that I hold I say as she walked out the door, "you'll be fine today!"

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