Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Drama Queen

Oh and the saga continues...the daughter who NEVER follows through. Honest to God, if this child becomes any more like her father, I may tell her to move in with him. Between the two of them and their wo always me, I'm not good enough, I can't follow through with anything crap, I may actually pull my hair out!

Last week a note came home about a Lego Club. It said they had some open spots and that by a lottery process, they were going to open it up, and let some extra students sign up. Of course my daughter begged and pleaded for me to sign the sheet because "her friend" was going to sign up too. Yes, we all know how this is going to shake out, right?! I explain to my daughter several things. First, there was no guarantee that her and her friend would both be picked or that they would be on the same team. Second, there was no guarantee that she would be picked. And third, she doesn't even like Lego's! "But mom, it's supposed to be soooo fun! I REALLY want to do this!!!" I go on to explain that since she doesn't even know what the club is about, that by signing up, she's actually taking away a spot for a child that may truly WANT to be in this club.

None of what I said mattered. I reluctantly signed the sheet in the hopes that she wouldn't get picked. A phone call yesterday informed me that she was indeed chosen. Just my luck. Another child to cart around, ANOTHER day of the week.

When I break the exciting news to said child, I am met with silence. Followed by a complete and total emotional break down, followed by stomping, door slamming, more tears and pleading that she quit before the club even has it's first meeting. Now I ask you, Are you fricking kidding me??????? Either my child has gone clinically insane on me or I am the worst mother in the world.

I am furious! Absolutely furious. Part of me wants to make her do it to show her she can't make a commitment and not follow through. And the other part of me wants to let her quit so I don't have to hear about it from now until December! Here's how my quandary was settled... "dad told me I didn't have to do it if I didn't want to..." Oh did he now??? SHOCKER!!!! This coming from the father who doesn't follow through with anything???? Rich I tell ya, just rich.

Said psycho child is now required to attend the Lego Club, enjoy it, and is absolutely NOT allowed to EVER ask to join another thing until the day I die. If you join a team, you stick with it. End of discussion. I may be hated for the rest of my life for this decision, but God willing, she will also know that quitting is NOT an option around me. Nor should it be for her in her life time either.

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