Friday, September 30, 2011

The Things We Endure

We have ALL been there. Mom's and Dad's alike. It's that time in the mall, the grocery store, the restaurant, the bus stop, literally ANYWHERE other people are around, and your child COMPLETELY falls apart. Now I have to admit, I have very mixed feelings about this. When I am out without my kids and I witness this, my initial reaction is, "ugh! I left home to get away from that!" Then the mom in me kicks in and thinks, "poor mom/dad! glad it's not me this time!"

It's such a fine line. At what point do you feel bad? At what point do you offer to help? I distinctly remember being at the grocery store a few years ago and a mother, a few check out isles over, had a little one just screaming. I'm talking out of control screaming. When I looked over, this poor woman was not only mortified, but absolutely exhausted and at her breaking point. Not one single person offered to help. Just stares of disgust and rude comments a plenty. In fact, my check out girl said, "glad they're leaving! Can you believe that?" I was so mad when I left the store and disgusted at myself for not offering to help, that I vowed I wouldn't let an opportunity like that pass again.

Of course I have, this morning actually. But again, what do you do? My poor neighbors kindergartner REFUSED to get on the bus. It was an all out war between mom and little guy. All of my neighbors, including myself, sat and stared rather than offer to help. Once again, that fine line comes in to play. Did she want our help? Was there anything we REALLY could have done? If I knew she didn't have to go directly to work, I would have offered her a shot!

These situations put our patience levels to a supreme test. Sometimes we win, sometimes everyone loses. My sitter used to tell me when I would fall apart, "you have to go in and check on your kids when they are sleeping. It not only gives you the strength to get through another day, but it reminds you that you love you them."

I guess I don't have an answer. Maybe I need to look at it from another view. What would I want someone to do? You're already feeling defeated because you feel like you can't control your own child. Do you really want some stranger stepping in? I don't know? So many times we tell people to mind their own business, or we're too proud to ask for help. In reality, help is really what we need. One random act of kindness right? Or one VERY LARGE margarita! Or sometimes a simple hug can cure it all. Is there a right or wrong here? I honestly don't know.

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