Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Harness Them Up!

No, I'm not talking about boobs. Though that may be a future topic now that I think about it. I'm talking about dogs. I love animals. More so when they aren't mine. But, being the sucker that I am, you all know I caved last winter and adopted the "special" dog. I call her special because she makes a rock look smart sometimes. God love her, she is just dumb as a stump.

Here's where I'm going with this. Keep your dogs on a leash when you are out in public. Not everyone is a dog lover. Not everyone loves animals. Nothing irritates me more than when some moron lets their dog run loose while they are out for a walk. I am sooooo conscience about others while I'm out with my crazy animal, that I literally choke her to death pulling her out of the way of ANYONE walking past. I just think it's so rude to let your animal near someone you don't know. Especially now a days when people can sue you for anything under the sun.

Today while out running, we took a trail. At the fork in the trail there was a rather sketchy looking man looking around like he was bird watching. I didn't think twice about it, except for where is the nearest weapon in case he attacks me. As we headed around the corner there was a dog. Not a large dog and one that I thought was friendly until it nearly took a chunk out of my dog and my dog almost dragged me down the path trying to flee. No leash and an owner who simple told his dog to shut up as he casually walked over to grab the collar. Really?! Shut up?? How about, I'm sorry my dog attacked you??? Nope, nothing, nada, zip, zilch.

Thankfully neither of us were hurt. But the thing that gets me is NOT this man's blatant disregard for my safety, it's the fact that this isn't the first time this has happened to me while running. I had a pit bull chase me out of it's yard, down the street and nip at my calf without it's owner ANYWHERE in site. A friend of mine was running and was attacked and ended up with stitches without that dogs owner even knowing what had happened. Honest to God, are dog owners that insensitive to others well being? I get that accidents happen. But these incidents were no accidents. They were pure and simple stupidity on grossly negligent owners.

It's not rocket science, it's common sense. Above that it's common courtesy. Plain and simple.

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