Thursday, November 10, 2011


I am absolutely one of those people who if you tell them they can't do something, I am hell bent on doing it and then some. I don't think I have ever told one of my friends that they can't or shouldn't do something. I may not agree with their decision, but I respect the fact that it is theirs, and let it go. The same does not always hold true for how they treat me.

Mind you I had an absolute blast with my two best friends this past weekend. That is until I overheard them whispering about me. Still makes me shake my head. I believe in best friends telling it like it is. No, sometimes things aren't easy to hear. But sometimes they are just plain hurtful. You can tell a friend to their face that you're supportive and non-judgemental. But the words that come out aren't always just that.

It seems as though we are so quick to judge others when something they are doing is not how we would do it ourselves. We are our own worst critics in life as it is. Having your friends beat you down on top of that just tends to wreck you. However in my case, it adds fuel to the fire.

I am not afraid to try and fail. I think that there is something to be learned each time you do. I think I am realistic and put 100% thought behind everything I do. I believe in myself and the life I am creating for my kids. I'm a good mom, good daughter, good girlfriend, and good friend. I treat people with kindness, even when I don't want to. I don't judge anyone. I believe that people make mistakes, and can make new choices that can correct the problem. I also believe that people make new choices that don't. I live my life constantly moving forward and reaching for the best. In both myself and the expectations I hold for those around me.

I don't fault my friends. But I also don't agree with their opinions. I also don't believe they can make an opinion without walking a day in my shoes. Their negativity and lack of support for the decisions I make only pushes me to strive harder and be better at ALL that I do. Or choose to do. I believe that persistence and patience pay out in the end. And that everything truly does happen for a reason. I believe that I will succeed, I will persevere, and I will reach the goals I have set for myself. I just need to remember that everything takes time. Smart decisions aren't rushed decisions.

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