Thursday, March 25, 2010

Don't Call Us, We'll Call You!

What is it about girls that they have to call home sick from school? UGH!! I get the phone call, feel bad, and go pick them up. Until now!!!

I'm not falling for the tears, tummy aches, you name it EVER again. Because here's how this works. They call, feed me some boo hoo line, and rather than get another Mother of the Year award, I pick them up, bring them home, and watch them morph from "I can't function" to "woo hoo I'm home let's play!" Done! I tell you, ALL DONE! I told all three of them "don't ever call me again. I don't care if you're bleeding, broken, barfing or passed out cold. Don't do it". It's just ridiculous! My boys would sit through a hurricane before they called me. I just cringe every time I see the schools number pop up on my phone. Well, not any more!!! I am Super Mom, hear me roar...yeh right. I'll be there in five minutes honey! Mommy loves you...UGH!!!


  1. Been there and done that!! My daughter's school nurse knows now to start the conversation, "She's perfectly fine, but she wants to talk to you", when all is well. And the opposite, "You need to come get her" when she's really sick.

    Great system, works like a charm!!
