Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Why Oh Why???

I can't take it anymore! I am not going to survive five kids going through puberty!! And IF I do, that's a really BIG if, God will surely have to let me in the pearly gates with the red carpet out and a band playing the Chariots of Fire theme.

Please tell me why a 9 year old needs to shave her legs?? I told her months ago that it's not a good idea, she's too young, once ya start it never ends, blah, blah, blah. Apparently I had no idea what I was talking about and my 9 year old went ahead and did it anyway. Well, it was hard for me to lose my temper when she sliced the back of her heal and was bleeding all over the bathroom. Only to tell her younger siblings that the razor miraculously fell from the shelf and cut her...Really? UGH!

Note to self, attempt reverse psychology whenever possible with small children. Yes, honey, when you shave you're suppose to take a layer of skin off! Maybe the pain and blood will deter her...doubt it!

1 comment:

  1. I got nothing! I don't even remember what a nine year old looks like............
