Tuesday, November 16, 2010


UGH!!! I am really struggling with making a decision to get another dog. I have come up with several reasons to get another one, and several more as to why not.

Being a lifetime animal lover, this has really been a tug at the heartstrings. The older I get the more they remind me of Grandchildren. They are great when they are someone else's responsibility! That being said, I still think I want one. I miss the companionship, the unconditional love, the sloppy kisses, the feeling of security in my home, the laughter she brought my kids, and on and on. What I don't miss is the poop and the hair! My boyfriend said, it's just like having another kid. I said "no, at least I don't have to clean up poop after two years with a child!"

The sad but honest truth is that I have plenty of time to make a decision. There are so many wonderful animals out there, every day, that need a family and home of their own. I'm just going to continue to do my homework on different breeds, and find the one that's right for our family. He or she is out there, and one day we'll find each other. And the madness of emotions that go with having an animal in my life will start all over.

1 comment:

  1. Ready your post from today makes this decision a no-brainer!!!!
