Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mother of The Year

I have determined that I will absolutely win Mother of the Year this year. In the past few days, or rather most of the year, I have been called evil, told I'm mean, that I'm hated, that I NEVER do anything nice, that I don't care about any of them, that I'm garbage, and that I'm stupid and should get a job.

Wow! That's a lot to stomach don't you think? I'm pretty sure if I ever said any of those things to my friends or family that I wouldn't have either of them in my life. Being a mom is the most thankless job in the world. On the RARE occasion that I'm told "you're the best mom ever" (mind you this ONLY comes after I've given in to some selfish childhood demand), I forget all the nasty heartless comments my children make to me.

Most of the time I'm pretty good and don't take it personally. In fact I'm glad my children can express anger, disappointment, and sadness. Not that you EVER want your child to move out of that utopia bubble, but I'm thankful that they feel comfortable enough to tell me like it is. If there is one thing that I hope I teach them and I hope sticks with them for their lifetime, it's to be honest with their feelings. Both good and bad. I have more respect for someone who is honest than I do for someone who doesn't have enough belief in themselves to actually tell you the truth.

My dad always says "getting old isn't for the weak". Being a mom is much the same. I wouldn't trade it for the world. As rotten as my kids are some days, they are also the best thing that ever happened to me. And in the end, they really are great kids.

I'd like to believe I had A LOT to do with that. And yes, I'll take that trophy now.

1 comment:

  1. As a mom to 5 I can totally relate to this!!!!!!! Great post!
