Monday, November 1, 2010

School Pictures

I have said this before. I DO NOT understand why we, including my children, have to endure school pictures. I am always shocked that I'm shocked at the results. You'd think by now I'd be numb. Nope!

My nine year old daughter brought home her school pictures the other day. And per usual I am wincing opening the package. The child HATES to have her picture taken. I can't really blame her, I don't either. However, this is the child who refuses to brush her hair, teeth, wear anything that matches, and blah, blah, blah. It's been a struggle that I have gracefully bowed out of. I keep hoping one day one of her friends will say something that will snap her out of these bad habits. So far no one has stepped up.

The irony of all of this? She takes the most BEAUTIFUL school pictures! I cried when I saw it. She looked like a teenager which of course made me wonder what happened to my baby girl. Her hair was brushed, her smile perfect, clothes matched, and she looked amazing. Wonders never cease in my house! EVER!


  1. That's good, my daughter loves taking school pictures and whenever I get them I'm wincing because 9 times out of 10 she messed up some part of her attire, hair, or face by the time it was her turn! Count your blessings!
