Thursday, October 28, 2010


As I was yelling at my kids to sit down and do their nightly reading, my nine year old shot back "when's the last time YOU sat down to read?"...Hmmmmm good question! I enjoy reading, why had I not done it lately?

It just so happened that I was flipping channels before my kids got home from school the next day and caught a glimps of Oprah. Though no longer a fan of hers, I was intrigued by the guest she had on. This woman had run for President in Columbia and was abducted and taken hostage by a militant guerrilla organization for over six years. All I caught of the show was that this woman had written a book and a brief description of some of what she had endured. I was determined to find this book!

Mind you, books are like movies to me. I like something light and easy that has a happy ending. Nothing you have to put much thought into. In other words, pure entertainment. Looking for and actually reading this book I assumed would be a huge feat for me. I found the book, Even Silence Has An End, two days ago and I CANNOT put this book down. This womans courage, determination, spiritual and emotional journey makes you question every facet of life that we take for granted. Hot water, food, clean clothes, CLOTHES, indoor plumbing, going for a walk or a run when you want to, hugging and talking to your children and family. I always say we should never take anything for granted, but the reality is that we all do. If you want to be thankful and have an excellent reminder of how great and fortunate life really is, I recommend you read this book. I'm sure there are plenty of books out there that involve such heart wrenching valor, but when you read something from a woman's stand point, and a mother, it tends to affect you in ways you cannot imagine.

By the way, my nine year old is mad at me now, because I can't put the book down. Oh the irony!

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