Monday, October 4, 2010

A Clean Car

Notice how almost all of my posts have something to do with cleaning?? I'm starting to think I'm a bit of a clean freak. Or just a freak. One of the two.

My son says to me the other day, "when are you going to clean out this car?" I honestly laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. I say "seriously? how about when the five of you stop eating and drinking and dropping and spilling half of what you bring into the car?". He didn't like that response to well. Mind you I have a big truck to lug the six of us around. My spot and the way back where the groceries go is nice and clean. The rest I would not recommend touching without a hazmat suit.

Yes, I've cleaned it, sterilized it, vacuumed it and ripped apart and hosed ALL five car seats. Only to have the little gremlins get in and destroy it in less than one minute. It is the one thing I refuse to clean until the food and beverage cart stops running like a tsunami through my truck. And yes, I have said no food or drinks in the car...never lasts. Ah well, such is life on the go.

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