Thursday, January 13, 2011


I love reading. I actually forgot how much I did when my children came along and there was absolutely no time to do it. Now that I'm single, the kids are older, and there is virtually NOTHING on TV, I have rediscovered books. And books I never thought I'd like or even possibly think I'd finish.

I'm not sure what it is that draws me to certain stories. The fact that someone has it worse than me, the humor, the suspense, the feeling of getting lost in a story, or the sense of accomplishment that I actually finished a book. Some days it's all of that and more.

One of my alter egos has always been a bit of a techno nerd. I love gadgets. I recently purchased a Kindle. Let me just say this, how come I didn't buy one of these years ago???? By far one of the best gifts I've bought myself. Not to mention the savings on the price of books! The machine itself was reasonably priced (they suck you in with all the fun extras you THINK you need to go with it) and the price of books is ridiculously cheap. No wonder book stores are going under! Why would I drive to the store, look for parking, have some salesperson trick me into a card that earns me points every time I buy from them, AND pay $30 for a book when I can pay 99 cents for one WITHOUT leaving my home??? Ludicrous! Yesterday on my couch, I bought four books for no more than $4. And New York Times Best Sellers at that. Honestly, I'm shaking my head.

However, there is one teensy weensy draw back. Actually a rather LARGE issue. My children. I have given the death by toenail hanging speech to all of them for even looking at it from afar. My only child days return in such subtle ways that I myself am shocked by their appearance. But this is one toy I am NOT sharing no matter what. NO... MATTER... WHAT!!! The spoiled brat princess has spoken, and I have no qualms about it. Happy reading to me!!!

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