Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bubble Wrap

I firmly believe bubble wrap was invented to protect our children, not to send packages through the mail. In the past nine years I have had three of five children stitched eight times, one broken elbow, five surgeries, countless splinters, abrasions, goose eggs, falls, crashes, bloody noses, and the list goes on. I've been to urgent care, several hospitals, doctors, and specialists. With five children I have earned my own private wing and clearly paid for my OB/GYN's children's college education.

And through it all, I remain remarkably calm and focused. That is until the doctors start giving details of ALL the ways they had to fix my children's boo boos. I see lips moving, my head starts spinning, my eyes roll back and I am on the floor passed out cold. I'm a mess. Why can't they just say "all better, go home"? I am getting better with the more experience my children help me obtain. At least now I can stop them and say "That's great. Stop talking or I'm going to be sick." Works like a charm every time!

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