Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I'll admit it, I'm spoiled rotten. I was an only child, my mother was an only child. My poor dad NEVER had a chance. I'm "22" and I'm still getting what I want. In fact my boy friend asked me today "do you always get what you want?" and I actually had a long but completely practical answer.

I said, "I make things happen in my life. I don't mess around. And when it comes to my kids I can make a mother bear look like a scared little mouse. So yes, I do get what I want." I don't consider that being spoiled. I think trying to have the most toys before you die is spoiled. But finding ways to make your life better, happier, simpler, and more enjoyable benefits everyone around you. Including yourself. We hear it all the time, life is too short. Well it is. I saw a video today that said "life is too short to be anything but happy". If that's the case, then I'm going to continue to spoil myself with great friends and family. And few hundred shoes thrown in for good measure. Too much of a good thing is NEVER enough.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm "25" and I still spoil my kids! Good advice about spoiling yourself with great friends and family.
