Wednesday, February 17, 2010

School Days

I want to go back to school. I'm not talking graduate school. I'm talking elementary school. You couldn't pay me enough to go back to middle school or high school. WAY TOO MUCH DRAMA!!!

When I hear "I used to walk to school, up hill, both ways, with a hundred pound bag, in a blizzard with 2 feet of snow, without boots, a cheap hat and mits, and a spring coat in 20 below temperatures" I really wonder if that was true! Kids today NEVER have school! A snow day here, a professional development day there, yadda, yadda, yadda. First of all, I pay an enormous amount in taxes. My kids should be there ALL year for what I pay. Second, what the hell is a professional development day when I'm at McDonald's with my kids and all the teachers walk in? Did I just buy them all lunch too? It's truly incredible! Don't get me wrong, I've seen some of the kids at school and MOST teachers do not get paid enough for putting up with them. But, at least make me feel like I'm getting my money's worth by NOT giving the kids a day off every other week! Let them walk in 2 feet of snow! It's good exercise.

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