Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blue Line

Oh hell no, I am not talking about that! I fixed that problem last year! Rest assured I will NOT be conceiving any more children. This is much worse in my book! One word, boys. Honestly, need I say more?

I'm doing laundry when my son comes in and says "mom, I have a blue line on my penis." My first reaction is why God, why? Then the mom in me panics and thinks maybe he's dying? In my infinite motherly wisdom I say "what blue line? show me." I don't know what I was thinking. Clearly I wasn't. Being the boy that he is, he whips it out and says "see right there!" I sigh, no he's not dying and I actually know what this blue line is! I say "honey, you're alright. It's just a vein." Naturally I think this will suffice and the child will go away. NOPE! Not this son! "What's a vein? oh wait I know! When you get kicked in the penis, that's what hurts!" I now have a deer in headlights stare and my mouth hanging wide open. Since I don't have a penis I'm not exactly sure how to respond. Again, why God, why? Quick thinking I say "no honey, it hurts when you get kicked in the testicles. Now go to bed!" "oh! Ok mom. Night".

Seroiusly, who can do anything after that??? I went and had a beer.


  1. Blue line, you made me look!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. ha ha ha I was thinking I needed to rush him off to the hospital! Who knew right?!
