Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bright Idea

As moms we always get moments of bright ideas. We think, "wow, that could be a lot of fun!" or "surely the kids will love this!". In the infinite words of my mother "Uh, WRONG!!!!" clearly comes back to haunt me.

I thought Santa should ONLY bring each of my kids two presents this year. Mind you they get a TON of stuff from one set of grandparents and the other was purchasing a Wii for all of them to use (including games for each). Naturally two would be MORE than enough. After all, isn't Christmas about spending time with family? NOT how many presents are under the tree? My bright idea? Take the kids snowboarding, spend some time with them over winter break. Come on! Who wouldn't love to try something new and spend time kids that's who!

Granted they did A LOT better than I expected, but after an hour of getting equipment on, dragging it out to the hill, and learning how to strap one boot in, my 4 year olds threw themselves in the snow, watched all the really good skiers and boarders go up the chairlift and proceed to eat an enormous amount of snow. They weren't complaining, so I figured I was doing good. My boys caught on really quick and seemed to enjoy themselves. My daughter gave up 30 minutes in because we weren't going up the chairlift as pro snowboarders after learning one thing. And mom and her partner were trying NOT to break their necks on the speed bump we practiced on.

All in all, it was an EXPENSIVE two hours. Thank goodness it was New Years Eve and I could dull the aches with a few adult beverages. Note to self, eating snow is more fun than your first snowboarding lesson and bright ideas should be thought out thoroughly!

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