Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Rotten Age

There has to be good and bad points to ANY age of children. I used to remember people saying "oh the terrible two's watch out!" or "just wait until they're teenagers." and so on. Well I never listened to any of it, though the hormonal phase does frighten me slightly. I just never had a problem with my kids when they were two, I thought three was WAY worse! And teenagers, well I have a way to go before that...or do I???

My nine year old daughter has a love hate relationship with me already. One day I'm the best mom ever and the next I can do no right. In fact I'm actually dumbfounded by the entire phenomenon. It's like watching Sybil combined with the Exorcist. You just never know what's going to set her off or make her crawl into my lap for hugs and kisses. Boys get angry, go cool off and still think you're great. Girls are like a whole different species. If I live through puberty without committing myself to a padded room with a pretty white coat and shiny buckles it will no doubt be something short of a miracle.

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