Sunday, January 24, 2010


I was never a good pregnant person. In fact I hated it. I was always uncomfortable, I couldn't get over the fact that I was gaining weight (baby or not, NO ONE likes to get on a scale and learn they gained 10 pounds in a week!), being told what I could or could not eat, and the worst was people's rude comments. They never ceased to amaze me! I actually had one person say to me "Wow, five kids! Did you want that many?" No jerk, let's see if we can put some back! Ugh!

I was always thankful once the little aliens came out. And now that they are, the time is just flying by! That's the one piece of advice I never dreamed I'd believe. But I do. My girls just turned five yesterday. Five going on 30 in their book. But five!! Where does the time go? Honestly it just doesn't stop. We take pictures, keep sentimental items, and do our best to remember the very best moments. But you never quite get back that first smile, first hug, first sloppy kiss, first crawl, first word, first anything. Life just keeps moving forward to some other first. Thank goodness I'm pretty easy going and can roll with both the good and the bad...let's be real, some firsts we'd like to forget.

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