Thursday, January 14, 2010

Embrace Your Passion

I'm really not one to brag. Especially about my running. I started running four years ago as an excuse to get me out of the house and gain some of my sanity back. It worked like a charm. I took off and I never looked back. I looked good, I felt good, and from what I was told, I was pretty good too. I guess so considering I qualified for Boston after my second marathon just one year after I started running. I also ran a few other marathons and two ultra marathons. Plus a few other smaller races in between all that. Mind you I'm not very fast for an old bird, but I move along and I'm consistent with my speed. More importantly, I just plain love doing it!

Though today questioned just how much I really did. I set out to do 10 miles. The most I've done in over a month. The weather was a balmy 25 degrees, sun was shinning, tunes were playing, and off I went. I got as far as mile 7 and thought OW I hurt! Everything ached! Hips, ankles, knees blah blah blah. I thought who the hell did I think I was signing up for another 50 mile race when I can't even get through 7 miles?! Here's the beauty of running. I truly believe it's 10% physical and 90% mental. Your body can trick your mind into believing it can't, yet your mind can turn it around and say Oh hell yeh you can! I kept moving forward like dumb runners ALWAYS do (one reason we have terrible injuries) and I finished all 10.

I ache all over, and the Tylenol did absolutely nothing for me, but I will no doubt be back out again tomorrow. Afterall, it's running. I do it because I can.

1 comment:

  1. Okay Forrest Gump, we also have to listen to our bodies. I still think you're a lot off for the 50 mile thang!!!!!
