Thursday, January 28, 2010


Honestly, do I really need to say anything else? Anything at all? Don't get me wrong, I love my boys with all my heart. But there are honestly some days I look at them and wonder how their species exists. I've discovered that it makes absolutely NO difference what you teach them or what you say. There is a mutated chromosome in each and every one of them.

I've also discovered through the many I have dated, married and divorced, that it does not change with age. Boys are simple creatures that are all the same just disguised with different faces to throw women off. My friend and I feel they should all be placed in a bubble for our viewing pleasure. Never to be let out for fear they might speak, burp, fart, touch themselves, attempt something ridiculous, injure themselves or others, cry, whine, think they are dying EVERY TIME they get sick, and the list goes on. I guess this is why I have such a huge problem watching The Bachelor. Seriously ladies! Men our like puppies. We think they're all cute and cuddly at first. Then we get them home and they pee on the floor. Train them all you want, but we never ever stop taking care of them.


  1. We miss the toilet one time, okay maybe more than once.....

  2. Once???? Why can't you just sit to pee??? It's really not a hard concept :-)
