Friday, January 22, 2010


We all know that sound. Cats make it, dogs make it, and we make it. That awful dry heave, I'm about to barf, everyone watch out sound. So why is it almost everyone can give fair warning but children???

I have become an expert in "oh there's something coming up with that cough", or "the look on your face tells me we need a bucket or a bathroom", or "why is it so quiet in the back seat. And what's that smell?". I have washed countless sheets, towels, blankets, stuffed animals, carpets, rugs, floors, toys, walls, car seats, cars, porches, chairs, and stairs to know that nothing will prepare you for the amount of vomit one very small person can make. Or where it's going to go. In fact it reminds me of confetti. You just never know where ya might find it one day. Sick kids are bitter sweet. You never want to see your babies hurting, but just a little part of you enjoys the quiet calm of them resting for an ENTIRE day.

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