Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm No Doctor

I have five kids. I have seen just about every common illness out there. Colds, flu, stomach virus, bronchitis, ear infection, pink eye, blah, blah, blah. I have been human tissue and toilet paper at any given moment. I even tried to be a human bucket with a barfing child...I don't recommend that one.

So please tell me why I need to waste time, energy and money to go to the doctor only to have them tell me what I already know???? I'll admit, I've been mother of the year and not taken my kids when MAYBE they should have gone. But honestly for the little things, it's just so ridiculous!!! Example, the school called because my son's eye's were all red and goopy. Duh! Pink eye! But I can't just call the doctor and say hey, can you call in a prescription for me? Oh no HAVE to go in and expose my kid to whatever crap someone else has. ONLY for them to say, "Oh yeah that's pink eye. Here's your prescription." Seriously! And we wonder why our health care system is a mess!!! I don't have to wonder, I know. And it doesn't take a doctor to diagnose that either!